Wednesday, July 14, 2021


From tour guiding to Digital Marketing Nano-degree Program


Hello, let me tell you my strange story.

I`m Sarah Hussein, studied at Faculty of Performing Art and Media.

Actually, it wasn't enough for me so I decided to contain my study and take my pre-master degree in Literary and artistic criticism in order to include all types or arts in my study while I was working as a journalist . 

Sometimes. I was not able to attend the new job daily because it wasn't my passion which made my life like a nightmare, then for the third time I felt that isn't enough to me, so i maked my master degree and follow obsession with history, ancient symbols and art.

Finally, I got my master's degree in the Philosophy of the arts in the ancient civilizations, which made me self and my struggles before, I had only two options to find my way in life.

The first one is to work as a journalist. the other option is to find a way to work at the ancient temples and monument areas.

So I asked my self what I have to do now ?!

I had to follow my passion, so I have decided to go through another adventure that will help me to achieve my passion and to take a postgraduate diploma in tourist guidance. Then I became an official tour guide organizing tours all over Egypt and guiding people from all over the world in Egypt with my old passion .

Wait, I have not finish yet !!

I followed the inner call and realized that I must properly convey a message to the whole world about the true meanings of the ancient Egyptian symbols by publishing appropriate content on social media and promoting tours to ancient Egypt through marketing, not for profit only, but to reveal the  mysteries of ancient Egyptian civilization

The best way for learning digital marketing was Udacity, which allowed  me to realize how to fulfill my mission in life and revive old spirituality through science and mysterious archaeological evidence, and presenting it to the world in new form of  tours, lectures and courses that saturate the awareness of  the disciples and develop their spirit and mind together.

This program allowed me to present the spirit of the ancients in a contemporary shape and fit for the train of modernity.

And as the ancient Egyptian believed that achieving  perfection is not to be limited to one specialty only for the duration of  life, but by a holistic thought that combines the largest possible number of specializations in one mold.

Therefore, I advise everyone to expand the scope of his mind through going deep in other fields and awareness of  the tools of this times to achieve goals, even if those goals are traditional and old.

Finally. Thank you Udacity for a priceless opportunity like this program to us.

Follow me on my social media platforms to support a different content that fits you.

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Monday, July 12, 2021

Sema Taw Y Reality vs specteum 

The Egyptian philosophy was built on the concept of unification with the human thine self and the universe and   Creater of the universe

This idea or concept was called Sema Tawy which could mean the unification of the two lands also it is the first manifestation of contemplation and realization of the universe which became
the Yoga meditation

The ancient Egyptian found that unifying the two lands of reality and spirituality is the best way to be in a state of balance with the universe and with himself that the human being is made of both matter and spirit so through wisdom the human could unify both lands within himself and to be a
true master of his soul

Reality didn't came out of nothing but its the offspring of the interaction between the universe and the human so we can't ignore reality in favor of spirit and also we can't ignore spirituality in favor of reality ... so its a matter of balancing both to be able to stand against encountring threats which
surrounds our homelands or ourselves

Changing reality comes through the good understanding of reality which gives the spirit a chance to change things to the right track

The Egyptian philosopher found that reality contains the cure of its diseases or in other words we can change the real world only through accepting reality and being unified with it which by the way makes the human a master of reality

The human lives in reality but endevours for spirituality but the truth is that without materialistic reality we couldn't observe light and spirit and without light and spirit we couldn't observe matter and reality ... so only by unifying both prespectives through wisdom the consciousness is born or Horus is born
the unifier of the both lands of matter and spirit

Reality is an important concept in the ancient Egyptian philosophy as it has the symbol if Seth who is the brother and the enemy of Osiris the idealistic spirituality

And its true that reality is the sister of spirituality

Seth participates in many occasions as kings incarnations or training kingson fighting or baptizing kings also Seth helps in killing the snake Abib which is the encountring threats

The king of Egypt should be realistic while fighting against
enemies as spirituality wouldn't be enough alone

The Sema Tawy concept is depicted within the shape of Hapi the Nile Netr who is both entities one for the south with lotus flower and the other for north with papryus flower between them the shape of Sema tied with two ropes each held by the two sides of Hapi

Its a clear depiction to the Nile river journey from its source in south till the end at north ... the Egyptian found this journey a depiction for the journey of consciouness from the bottom of
the vertebral coloumn till its end at the celebrum

This picture is clear in a sclupture for both Horus and Seth in the same position of Hapi and Ra transforms from Sema or unification of Seth and Horus

Unifying materialistic matter and spiritual spectrum is the real victory of Horus that through the wisdom of Thoth he was able to be a master of both worlds the reality and spectrum

The both crowns on Horus’s head is the symbol of unifying both lands as it became the nickname for all the kings of Egypt as they all should go on the track of Horus in unifying the reality with spectrum using wisdom

The white crown of Osiris is the sign of south wich is a sign for spirituality the birth of the Nile the shape of the crown is adopted from the shape of Taurus constellation which is above
Orion Constellation

The red crown of Seth is a symbol of north which is a sign for materialistic reality or the end of the Nile journey and its shape is adopted from Lepus constellation which was under Orion from 3000 years and was called Orion chair 

The both crowns were not a symbol for upper and lower Egypt as districts but as a symbol for the birth of Nile which
acompanies the birth of consciousness 

This concept of Sema Taw Y is encountered by Ibn Roshd from Andalus as I find him the master piece of Andalusian philosophy that he says ( the canon should be observed through mind and Wisdom should be observed through jurisprudence as jurispredence is the younget sister of wisdom) its a true understanding of Sema 

Also the Suffist Ibn Arabi said in his poem ( If I were obedient I should have been close and unless my Sins I wouldn't become

The secret of wisdom comes through reversal of thoughts and enlightment is from the violation of prohibition) 

The indigenous knowledge and wisdom began from Egypt

So we can simply say that Sema Taw Y means the initiation which responsible about preparing for the alchemical marriage next 🙏🏻⚜️🔥

See you soon in Egypt the Land of Sema Taw Y 

DUA MUT the Great Mother 

''Article personal effort may not be copy except with reference to its source and no problems in sharing it "

Sema Taw Y School & Sarah Hussein 

Enjoy your life 

And I will bring the spirit of Kemet to you 🙏🏻🔥🌹 

Join us soon

Wednesday, July 7, 2021




Amun is the most important influential Netr in Ancient Egypt 


 He was stated in the Oagdod of the eight Netrw with his feminine side Amunet


Amun and Amunet was the side of the cosmic darkness and wind or air


then he was stated in more elaborated state in the Thebes triology Amun and Mut and Khonsu their son


Amun ..The Cheif of Netrs 

Gods of ancient Egypt




Amun is the most important influential Netr in Ancient Egypt


he was stated in the Oagdod of the eight Netrw with his feminine side Amunet


Amun and Amunet was the side of the cosmic darkness and wind or air


then he was stated in more elaborated state in the Thebes triology Amun and Mut and Khonsu their son 


from Amun's name we knew that it means who is not seen


it is a direct sign for the invisible waves of energy which comes from the movement of the whole universe


it is an interdependent relation


In quantum physics or quantum mechanics which studies the movement of electrons inside an atom arround the nucleaus and their relation to space and time we knew that universe is composed of matter and antimatter battle that any atom is actually made of vaccum where the solid matter in any atom doesn't exceed 4% of its total space area and vaccum is 96% of the total space area


so the state of matter from light to gas to liquid to solid is determined by the pressure conducted by energy waves on the vaccum within the atom


actually this applies also to the wide cosmic space where dark matter is 96% of the universe and all the stars, planets and others only occupy 4%


so the whole universe looks like the atom from inside also the universe is made up from atoms which are made up from vaccum


Hence, we can conclude that ancient Egyptians got a very sophisticated science by which they knew that every thing is only a manifestation of energy which determines the kind and the shape of matter through pressuring the antimatter


simply this is Amun who is unvisible who is interrelated to every thing in the universe from the atom till the stars 


the Egyptian understanding to the cosmic energy made Amun the highest Netr as he is the energy which comes from the only creater of the universe


also as stated in previous posts that energy waves shape looks like sine wave like the sun apparent movement on the horizon like the moon journey around earth like the genes plexus in human body


all energy manifestations are similar on large or small scale


the formation of a galaxy is similar to the formation of a star to the formation of an atom to the formation of a human cell


so Amun controls all of these matters


the energy waves motivates our counsicness which motivates our thoughts which is transferred to matter when applied by humans as an idea transferred to a visible matter 


this is why Amun was related to Khunum who shapes children in their mothers' wombs as Khunum is depicted by the two feathers of Amun because he is considered the fingers of energy which shapes the dark matter to be humans and this is the job of Khunum on the wheel of clay 


so Egyptians glorified Amun as a symbol for energy which could change or make any matter from nothing to existence 


Amun was combined with Ra to be Amun-Ra which is a notion to the whole cosmic energy wether from the sun or from the moon and the stars 


this is why Egyptians end their prayers by Amen which became the official end for all religious prayers around the world wether it is Ibrahimic or another ... that Amun is the energy which is affected by our thoughts so it can be manifested according to our thoughts and harmony with the universe




DUA MUT the Great Mother

 Article personal effort may not be copy except with reference to its source and no problems in sharing the post 


Sema Tawy tours & Sarah Hussein ©




#ancient_egypt #egypt #alchemy #egyptology #ancient_world #the_sacred_science #esoterics #أرضالتاريخ  #التاريخلاينتهي  #soul #knowledge #education #growth #eternity #ACDESKA


Enjoy your life 

And I will bring the spirit of Kemet to you 🙏🏻🔥🌹


Join us soon ⚜️🙏🏻

  From tour guiding to Digital Marketing Nano-degree Program   Hello, let me tell you my strange story. I`m Sarah Hussein, studied at...